not bad, but just a little repetitive and empty. i think you should some background noise to really complete this
not bad, but just a little repetitive and empty. i think you should some background noise to really complete this
tags: jumpscares, arg
faded in appearance puts ya in a nice trance good job
great selection of keys from 00:22 onwards, i like the upbeat nature of this and how it's just the right amount of quick. sets me in that grindzone
says it right on the tin!
didn't even know you did music. cool discovery
now what's a calm punch? is this a more aggressive version of the one-hand clap?
oh this is metal alright
i like to press buttons on my computer
sometimes in different orders too
creator of ICE KYOBE and more...
Age 22, friend
certified winner
Joined on 9/4/20